Archived versions

Archive DateDocumentVersion
Investment Specification - Community
1 July 2015 Community investment specification (PDF, 348 KB) Community investment specification (RTF, 256 KB)  1.0
13 November 2015 Community investment specification (PDF, 433 KB) Community investment specification (RTF, 482 KB)  2.0
3 November 2016 Community investment specification (PDF, 900 KB) Community investment specification (RTF, 483 KB)  2.1
8 December 2016 Community investment specification (PDF, 1 MB) Community investment specification (RTF, 862 KB)  2.2
15 December 2020 Community investment specification (PDF, 1.5 MB) Community investment specification (DOCX, 527 KB) 3.2
Investment Specification - Individual
 1 July 2015 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 663 KB) Individuals investment specification (RTF, 545 KB) 1.0
13 November 2015 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 798 KB) Individuals investment specification (RTF, 921 KB) 2.0
3 December 2015 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 1.4 MB) Individuals investment specification (RTF, 959 KB) 2.1
1 July 2016 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 1.4 MB) Individuals investment specification (RTF, 959 KB) 2.2
20 October 2016 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 1.4 MB) Individuals investment specification (RTF, 1.3 MB) 3.0
23 January 2017 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 1.3 MB) Individuals investment specification (RTF, 1 MB) 4.0
20 April 2018 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 1.9 MB) Individuals investment specification (DOCX, 343 KB) 4.1
27 September 2018 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 992 KB) Individuals investment specification (DOCX, 163 KB) 4.2
17 December 2020 Individuals investment specification (PDF, 1.7 MB) Individuals investment specification (DOCX, 167 KB) 4.3
Investment Specification - Disaster Relief and Recovery
 1 July 2015 Service system support and development (PDF, 410 KB) Service system support and development (RTF, 256 KB) 1.0
17 December 2020 Service system support and development (PDF, 1.2 MB) Service system support and development (DOCX, 187 KB) 3.0
10 July 2021 Service system support and development (PDF, 1.3 MB) Service system support and development (DOCX, 154 KB) 3.2
Investment Specification - Older People
1 July 2015 Older people (PDF, 448 KB) Older people (RTF, 294 KB) 1.0
3 December 2015 Older people (PDF, 497 KB) Older people (RTF, 428 KB) 2.0
24 December 2018 Older people (PDF, 799 KB) Older people (DOCX, 131 KB) 3.0
8 February 2018 Older people (PDF, 1.4 MB) Older people (DOCX, 374 KB) 4.0
17 December 2020 Older people (PDF, 1.6 MB) Older people (DOCX, 439 KB) 5.0
Service System Support and Development
1 July 2015 Service system support & development (PDF, 410 KB) Service system support & development (RTF, 256 KB) 1.0
1 July 2016 Service system support & development (PDF, 1.2 MB) Service system support & development (DOCX, 187 KB) 3.0
15 December 2020 Service system support & development (PDF, 1.3 MB) Service system support & development (DOCX, 154 KB) 3.2
Funding Declarations 
1 July 2017 List of Declared Funding (PDF, 568 KB) List of Declared Funding (RTF, 322 KB)


August 2021 List of Declared Funding (PDF, 262 KB) List of Declared Funding (DOCX, 175 KB)